Monday, 17 October 2016

Sacrificial Love in Marriage

There is an element of selfishness that is dangerous to your if you continue to look at your marriage as what you get out of it more than what you give to it.  Some people talk of marriage being a 50/50 arrangement.  The husband makes up 50 % and the wife makes up 50%.  While it obviously takes two to make the marriage, you cannot expect your marriage to thrive on a 50% effort.  If you’re only giving a 50% effort, then you must be holding back 50% as well.  It takes 100% effort and it takes sacrifice.

For husbands the Bible speaks of Christ’s love for the church as the example for how to love your wife.  Jesus loved the church so much that he gave his life up for us.  He had to give himself 100% so the plan of salvation to work.  As the moment came close he even asked God if there was any other way, but if there was not he would do it anyway.

Look men, our privilege is to provide for our wives.  I do not mean merely bringing home the bacon either.  God has given our wives to us with the privilege of helping them to become everything that God has planned for them.  Our job is to love them so much that we would sacrifice our own ambitions to see them succeed.

The questions we must answer are:
What has God created and gifted her for?
What does she need to become great? and
How can I make it happen for her?

If you hear yourself evaluating your loses, be careful, or you might let your own selfishness rob you of your blessing.

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