Wednesday 4 June 2008

The Wages of Motherhood

Our friends in the USA are amazed at one of the blessings of living in Canada- Child Tax Credit Benefit.

The benefit is paid monthly to a parent in the household multiplied by the number of children in the household. I told my wife, "this is the first time that you will finally be paid for your job as a mom!"

I get amused when I hear people discuss what women do as a career, and someone comments, "Oh, you don't work, you stay at home." As Cosby once said, I've seen her (his wife) job. I don't want it!" It is tough work, which I have heard some women comment that they could not do.

Well, from a CNN report, a Waltham, Massachusetts-based firm that studies workplace compensation tells us that the salary of a stay at home mom is worth $117,000 per year. Is that impressive or what? Then again, what kinds of jobs do our moms cover?

My wife teaches our children at home. She is a nurse to their injuries and illnesses. She runs the cafeteria for 9 people three meals a day and snacks. And she operates the in-house laundry facility. All of this for our large family!

I wish I had the money to pay you$117,000, Dawn. I know that she would say that her rewards far outweighs the work. I would say that her worth far outweighs what a career compensation projection could estimate. In fact, as the Bible says, she is worth far more than even rubies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely :)
