Sunday, 30 October 2016

Three Ways to Keep Your Marriage on Track

If you want your marriage to be successful, you have to make it a priority. There are many ways to keep it on moving in the right direction. Here are three really important ones.

Thoughtfulness –Being selfish will lead your marriage in the wrong direction. You want oneness. You want to experience the joys and disappointments life together. When you’re selfish, you are eliminating the opportunity to hear from your spouse’s heart. Not considering their side of things cuts you short of facing issues in the strength of two. Most people stay away from other people that are selfish. Selfish people are taxing and aggravating. Give something to your spouse: a gift, a listening ear or time together doing what they want to do.

Initiative – Can you be the one to think of and initiate something that will have meaning in your marriage? By initiating something that adds to your relationship, you are showing your spouse that they are a priority to you. You can start a conversation by asking how you can be more supportive or by just telling your spouse that you were thinking of them today. Marriages that rarely have anyone putting effort into useful time together suffer more and more over the long run. If you are thinking that your marriage will just take care of itself, you’re wrong. You need to take care of it.

Unconditional Love – Too many people love someone else because that person showed interest in them first. It might be OK to start off, but what happens if that person loses interest? Unconditional love is pretty hard to live, however, you can work towards it. Love your spouse because you love them, not only for their good looks or intelligence or gifts. Choose to love them no matter what. God gives us the great example in this. He loves us even though we have rejected him and disobeyed him. He loves those who curse him. How would your spouse respond to you if they knew that you loved them in spite of their faults and flaws?

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