Friday 29 August 2008

Sarah Palin - For the Family

Who better to champion family values than a mother who knowingly gave birth to a Down Syndrome child, tackled corruption in government, then worked preventatively to shore up ethical practices in her home state of Alaska. But what about the glaring other issues: experience and gender?

Yes, nearly all of us would like to see a "game changer" as she has been called in the places of power. Is her experience as a Governor good enough to face the nation and world?

Is gender really a question in 2008. Hillary Clinton rose to the top, well, second to the top. Is the nation and the government ready for a woman leader? The same people that politicians are hoping to gather to McCain might think that a top leadership position like President or Vice President is not for a woman. Although some of my most conservative friends have weighed in for the positive already.

Be sure to comment here on your thoughts on Sarah Palin for Vice President.



Anonymous said...

I have admitted that I wouldn't vote for just any woman, but Sarah Palin I will vote for. She clearly has the support and encouragement from her husband to pursue making a difference in the world, and so far she has in her little part of it. She is a mom, a wife, and a woman who is not afraid to do what she can to make a difference. When I saw her, I saw someone who will uphold the strong family values that the USA has been losing steadily over the years. My general belief as a Christian woman, is that anyone can be used by God- as long as they are willing to do what it takes.

Stephanie said...

I'm warming to her; I haven't been crazy about the way she handled a gas line issue here in AK...but she's intelligent, strong, compassionate. I think she can do a good job; domestic issues will be her strong point.

I worry a bit about her kids, but think she has a heavily involved extended family, and it sounds like Dad will be the stay-at-home parent.

Anonymous said...

There is much to think about when putting your life on the civil service block I suppose- family, future, moving, fame, how you will be viewed by various people. That last one has got to be the worst. Thanks Stephanie and Jean for your comments.