Wednesday 14 May 2008

MIxed Emotions

How do we keep up? How do we stay sane?

In the last year I recovered from cancer, buried my father, my sister was married, two nieces graduate from high school, one niece graduates from West Point, and my wife's father is now terminally ill.

While we do not live on emotions, our emotions are huge in our lives. By the grace of God we go on. Experiences make us who we are and lead us into the future- bad and good.

I prayed years ago for God to help me experience everything that comes with His help. Even though things sometimes are most difficult, I know His grace helps us through, shaping us. He is the steady thing that gets us through all the ups and downs. I am grateful for that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Dawn's father is ill. :(

Hugs to all of you. It sounds like it's been an intense couple of years.
